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Corporate Outline

Established January 18,1954
Field of Operations Manufacture and sales of small electric motors
Capital ¥ 20,704 million
Number of
Consolidated Subsidiaries
24 (as of End of December, 2024)
Number of Employees 896 (as of December 31, 2024)
Mabuchi Group: 18,032 (as of December 31, 2024)
Net sales ¥ 196,212 million
(Consolidated 2024)
  • Headquarters
430 Matsuhidai, Matsudo City, Chiba 270-2280, Japan
Tel: 81-47-710-1111
  • Technical Research Institute
280 Ryufukuji, Inzai City, Chiba 270-2393, Japan
Tel: 81-47-710-1222
Technical Research Institute

Members of the Board

*marks stands for the Directors who shall assume the duties of the Executive Officer.

Representative Director and Chairman Hiroo OKOSHI
Representative Director and President Tohru TAKAHASHI*
Representative Director, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer Hirotaro KATAYAMA*
Member of the Board Tadahito IYODA*
Members of the Board (Outside Board Members) Naoki MITARAI / Akira OKADA / Seiji SAKATA
Member of the Board, Standing Audit & Supervisory Committee Member Katsumi KOBAYASHI
Members of the Board (Outside Board Members), Audit & Supervisory Committee Members Takashi ASAI / Yoko TOYOSHI / Yasuko FUKUYAMA
Executive Officers Tsuyoshi NAKAMURA / Kazuaki MIYAJIMA / Tomofumi IMAMURA / Hiroaki WATANABE / Keiichi HAGITA / Toshihiro KOMIZO
Group Executive Officers QUAN Da Yong / Toru SHIBASAKI / SHU Zheng / HOANG Son / Makoto KIMURA / Kazuhiro ABE