We are taking measures with an eye on the future, such as adding regulated substances and changing prohibited ranks according to European RoHS Directive, European ELV Directive, European REACH Regulation Restricted Substances / SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern), Japanese Chemical Substances Law * 1 Class 1 Specified Chemical Substances, GADSL (Automotive Industry Voluntary Standards), other laws and regulations, requirements from customers. From the enforcement of the European RoHS Directive in 2006 to the present, environmental accidents have not occurred even once due to daily communication with business partners and active efforts to audit the use and storage status of environmentally hazardous substances. We will continue to promote green procurement activities together with our customers and business partners.
Supply Chain Management
CSR Procurement
Customers' interest in the entire supply chain where our products and services are produced is increasing year by year. Therefore, we have established the “Mabuchi Motor CSR Procurement Guidelines” in the belief that it is necessary to share a common understanding of CSR with our suppliers and to work together in a cooperative manner. The Guidelines are available in Japanese, English, and Chinese, and are widely disseminated to all suppliers to encourage them to make efforts to ensure occupational safety and respect human rights throughout the supply chain.
Responsible mineral procurement
We do not procure parts or materials containing minerals related to the risks specified in the "Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict and High-Risk Areas, Annex II" of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), including serious human rights abuses, environmental destruction, corruption, and conflict in conflict and high-risk areas ("OECD Guidance Annex II"). In addition, we do not procure parts or materials containing minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt, mica, etc., that pose a risk as stipulated in the Guidance Annex II. We cooperate with supply chain investigations, such as identifying the country of origin of minerals and smelters using internationally recognized tools such as the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT). In the unlikely event that minerals are found to be complicit in conflict or involved in gross human rights abuses, we take corrective action.
Promotion Green Procurement
By setting our own special evaluation criteria in addition to laws, regulations, and customer requests, we at Mabuchi strictly control environmentally prohibited substances designated in those standards so that they will not be included in materials and parts of products that we procure from our suppliers. We also prioritize the use of materials and members with a lower environmental impact. We are also prioritizing purchases from suppliers certified with ISO14001, the environmental management standard.
Compliance with Corporate Citizenship
Outline of the Mabuchi Motor Green Procurement System

Progress of Green Purchasing
Office Supplies

Environmentally friendly stationery and office supplies are designated as company standard products and purchased by our head office.
Office furniture and fixtures

As to office automation equipment and office furniture, we explain our effort on environmental issues as “Request of Environment Conservation” to suppliers and preferentially purchase goods complying with Act on Promoting Green Purchasing.
Company Car

We are switching commonly used passenger vehicles for business use from gas-powered vehicles to battery vehicles and gas-and-electric cars (hybrid cars) and selecting low-emission/fuel-efficient certified vehicles when replacing big-size cars like truck.