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Investor FAQs


Mabuchi was established on January 18, 1954.
Tokyo Science Industrial Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Mabuchi, was established in January 1954, and the trade name was changed to Mabuchi Motor Co., Ltd. in March 1971.
For details, please visit our [About Mabuchi > Corporate Outline > History of Mabuchi in Brief].

In December 1986, Mabuchi was listed on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and in April 1988, it was listed on the first section of the TSE. In addition, in accordance with the revision of the market classification of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2022, the listing market was shifted from the First Section to the Prime Market.


The code is 6592. For the share price, please visit our [Share Price Information].

The unit consists of 100 stocks.

The dates for the year-end dividend and the interim dividend are December 31 and June 30, respectively.

For the changes in our dividend policy and dividends, please visit our [Dividends].

No, we have no shareholder special benefit plan.

Accounts and finance

The fiscal year ends on every December 31. The ordinary general meeting of shareholders is held in every March. Please check our [IR Calendar].

You can obtain the latest information on our accounts in the form of PDF files from either [Investor Relations Index] or [IR Library].

For the change in our performance, please visit our [Financial Information]. You can find major financial indicators in graph forms.

You can browse/download Mabuchi's Integrated report in/from [IR Library > Integrated Reports].

Corporate Activities

Based on Mabuchi's Management Principle, "contributing to international society and continuously increasing our contribution", we are carrying out our corporate activities. For details, please visit our [About Mabuchi > Vision].

Based on one of Mabuchi's Management Guidelines, "conduct corporate activity which preserves the earth's environment and protects human health," we are carrying out our corporate activities regarding environmental conservation as our important business challenge.
For details, please visit our [Sustainability Information].