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Information security policy

Mabuchi Motor Co., Ltd. and our affiliated companies (this "Group") earnestly consider what effect our actions have on our stakeholders, aiming to be a trustworthy organization in all aspects of business. This Group recognizes that it is our social obligation as a business entity to manage the information resources we possess and take appropriate information security measures to prevent leakage, alteration, destruction, or theft of information and we will realize information security in line with our management policy. Along with ensuring that all our workers including our executives deepen their understanding of the necessity and responsibility of information security, this group is establishing this information security policy in the expectation of guaranteeing infallible information security.


This Group will establish a "risk management committee" through which we will build security systems and structures that allow for continuous application, evaluation, and improvement.

Preservation and maintenance of information resources

This Group will appropriately classify and organize information, and will take security measures in accordance with that information's importance. This Group will take the utmost care in handling information and will manage it strictly.


This Group's executives, employees, and other workers (this "Group's Employees, etc.") will strictly adhere to the information security obligations established by the law, company regulations, and client contracts.


This group will conduct appropriate educational sessions and training on a continual basis so that this Group's Employees, etc. can act with understanding of the importance of information security.

Incident Management

In the unlikely event of an information security problem, this group will promptly investigate the cause of the problem, minimize the damage, and work to prevent recurrence.

Reviewing this policy, etc.

This Group will review this policy and related company regulations as necessary based on changes to the law and other systems, changes in the social environment, and results of inspections inside and outside the company.