The Basics of Motor Performance
Various symbols and units are used to indicate motor performance.

List of terms on motor performance
Term | Symbol | Unit |
Input | P | W |
Output | P | W |
Maximum output | Pmax. | W |
Voltage | V | V |
Current | I | A |
No-load current | I0 | A |
Stall current | Is | A |
Efficiency (*1) | η | % |
Maximum efficiency | ηmax. | % |
Speed | N | r/min(*2) |
No-load speed | N0 | r/min |
Torque | T | mN·m, g·cm |
Stall torque | Ts | mN·m, g·cm |
- It indicates what percentage of the electric energy applied to the motor is used effectively as the mechanical energy.
- It means "revolutions per minute".