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Message from Top Management

Contributing to a sustainable society by practicing our Management Principle

Representative Director, Chairman & CEO
Representative Director, President & COO

Mabuchi Motor was established in 1954 with the aspiration for enabling children around the world to enjoy high-quality and low-cost motive power. Since then, our market composition of motor applications has changed significantly in line with technological innovation and globalization, and today over 70% of our sales are in the automotive sector. As a specialized small DC motor manufacturer, we have been helping to make people’s lives more convenient, comfortable and safe by providing safe, environment-friendly, and reasonable-priced motive power. We pledge to continue our business endeavors and contribution to society, through our motor products in order to help meet the various challenges that we face together as a modern society.
The Mabuchi Group’s Management Principle of “Contributing to international society and continuously increasing our contribution”, is the fundamental concept that guides all of our activities - and is the very essence of value creation for the achievement of a sustainable society. Additionally, we recognize social issues that can be resolved by our business efforts, and wholeheartedly consider the opinions and requests of our stakeholders to our future activities. To uphold this, we realize that it is vital to continue the use of the PDCA cycle within the operations of the Mabuchi Group. In order to promote our endeavors for the next decade and beyond, we would like to share our thoughts in the special feature of this Website, “Mid-Term Sustainability Targets”. With our vision and Management Principle un-changed, the Mabuchi Group pledges to work as one, and in union with our stakeholders and partners to help forge solutions to issues that face our society today. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to serving our community and society in the decades to come.