In order to address climate change, which is an urgent issue for the international community, we will promote activities to realize our goal of carbon neutrality by the year 2050. As stated in our Sustainability Policy, we will thoroughly pursue the potential of small DC motors and contribute to solving the issues facing the international community through motors.
Mid-Term Target of Reducing CO2 Emissions by 2030
At Mabuchi Group, we set a Mid-Term Target of "reducing CO2 emissions by 30% from 2018 levels by 2030." As a measure to achieve this, we have been working to reduce CO2 emissions by promoting the use of renewable energy and power saving in our production facilities, such as the installation of solar power generation systems at our overseas sites and the adoption of systems that recover and reuse exhaust heat. We will accelerate these efforts in order to achieve the Mid-Term Target.
Introduction of renewable energy
Mabuchi Motor is working to reduce CO2 emissions by introducing renewable energy. Solar power generation systems installed at our Headquarters in Japan, Dongguan Mabuchi and Dao Jiao Mabuchi in China, and Da Nang Mabuchi in Vietnam generated approximately 3.65 million kWh of electricity in 2023, which used at each of our business sites. In addition, from April 2024, we have achieved virtually 100% renewable energy for the electricity used at our Headquarters through the use of a renewable energy-derived electricity plan. We will continue to systematically introduce renewable energy sources.
※Electricity substantially from renewable energy sources: purchase of FIT non-fossil certificates, use of electricity generated by photovoltaic power installed at the company's office building

Continuing energy conservation efforts
After experiencing the power shortage during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the Headquarters of Mabuchi Motor has been eliminating unnecessary use of lights in the Headquarters building. But given the recent progress in energy efficient lighting technologies, we are shifting to energy conservation measures using LED lights.

Endorsement of the "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Recommendations"
In March 2021, Mabuchi has announced its support for the recommendations of the "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)". We are pleased to inform you that we have participated in the "TCFD Consortium". Under our Management Principle, "Contribution to the International Community and its Continuous Expansion," we have established the Sustainability Policy to achieve sustainable development and have established Sustainability Committee to implement actions in line with the policy. In the future, based on the TCFD recommendations, we will analyze the risks and opportunities that climate poses to our business, and by proactively disclosing information, we will build strong and long-term relationships of trust with all of our stakeholders, including customers, business partners, and employees, and contribute to the realization of the sustainable society.