We are actively recruiting globally-minded personnel, and a number of foreign nationals are working at our headquarters. Local employees at our overseas offices are also active on a global scale, collaborating with the head office through short-term business exchanges and meetings. In addition, we actively accept not only our employees but also university students from overseas for internships.
Creating an organization that makes the most of diverse human resources
Diversity and Inclusion
The goal of our diversity and inclusion initiatives is to ensure that all of our employees, regardless of nationality, age, gender or other factors, have a global mindset and leverage their individuality to generate new value. Since our first overseas expansion in 1964, our long history of doing business globally has meant that our approach to employment has always been flexible, fair, and equitable. In recent years, we have placed even greater emphasis on this stance, proactively recruiting and promoting individuals who share our Management Principle, regardless of age, gender or nationality. By encouraging diverse talent to compete and collaborate, we aim to stimulate the creation of new value. Furthermore, we take a proactive approach to the creation of a workplace that respects diverse work styles, enabling each individual to achieve selfactualization, personal growth and fulfillment. We will continue to aim to build a truly global professional environment, where Mabuchi Group employees can further their careers without being constrained by geographic boundaries.
Promotion of foreign employees

Promotion of female employees

We are actively supporting women's career development with the aim of increasing the number of women in management positions.
Examples of measures: Career recruitment of female managers and candidates for management positions, establishment of role models for female employees, ability-oriented selection without disadvantages due to life events, selection and training of candidates for management positions, women-only training sessions including discussions with female managers, etc.
Supporting the activities of a diverse range of people
People with disabilities and illnesses are also placed in employment based on their individual abilities and aptitudes. By providing flexible working hours, barrier-free facilities, and training for managers, we are creating a work environment where everyone can thrive.
Strong connections between bases and utilization of diverse human resources
The Mabuchi Group’s bases are connected by strong connections. Throughout the Group, we actively share good improvement cases and exchange opinions. This information is utilized for mutual understanding at the Group level and for quick and appropriate decision-making by management. To strengthen these peer-level connections between bases, we are promoting mutual understanding and cooperation at the Group level through the development of a job-type personnel system that serves as a basis for driving human resources exchanges between the Headquarters and other bases, encouraging secondment and business trips, and establishing various information-sharing and meeting bodies across multiple bases. We are also seeking to understand and share company policies and values through policy development measures to strengthen vertical connections within each base, and education and communication measures that transcend employee class levels.
Another distinctive feature of Mabuchi Motor is the high percentage of its workforce that are non-Japanese. Of the Mabuchi Group’s 21 production bases, 13 bases have non-Japanese human resources serving as their presidents (or general managers), and these personnel have become 61.9% of the group’s presidents or general managers. In addition, three people, two Chinese people and one Vietnamese person, serve as executive officers of the Mabuchi Group (as of March 31, 2023).
Systems Supporting Diverse Work Styles
At Mabuchi Motor, we offer a range of options for work styles, encouraging our employees to choose the one that suits them best. By doing this, we aim to improve overall productivity and create added value throughout the company. We ensure that our policies and work environments accommodate diverse lifestyles and support our employees’ balancing of work and their personal lives.
- Parental leave (until the child is 3 years old) / Nursing leave (365 days)
- Support for professional development during nursing leave and parental leave
- Spouse leave for childbirth (5 days of special leaves)
- Short working hours and exemption from overtime work for parental and nursing leave
- Flextime System (without core time) and Discretionary Labor System introduced
- Promote remote work