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Health and Safty, Health and Productivity Management

Safety and health

As stated in the Management Vision, it is the company's policy that the health of employees and people in the community not be harmed by any business activity. We must maintain and further improve our working environment by placing the highest priority on the safety and health of employees and people in the community.

Prevention of Noise and Vibration Pollution

Measurement of noise and vibration

We regularly measure noise and vibration levels to confirm compliance with related legislative regulations. According to the periodic measurement results, there was no violation of noise and vibration regulation limit values, which are relative to their respective locations.

Prevention of Air Pollution in Workplace

Regular measurement of air quality in workplace (Headquarters)

Mabuchi Motor regularly measures air quality in workplaces and exhaust air quality outdoors in order to protect employees' health and the immediate environment.
In Headquarters, levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)* are measured to examine indoor environment. Overseas related Bases also conduct measurement and implement related measures required under relevant environ-mental regulations.

  • Volatile organic compounds:substances related to indoor pollution and deemed to potentially cause sick house syndrome including, for example, formaldehyde, vinyl acetate, toluene and xylene.

Safety Awareness Poster Works Contest

Safety Awareness Poster 1st place work

Since 2018, we have held an annual Safety Awareness Poster Artwork Contest. We invite entries from the Headquarters and overseas offices on the theme of alerting people to occupational accidents. The program calls for the creation of safe and comfortable workplaces that are free from workplace accidents, and is a useful initiative for preventing workplace accidents at the Headquarters and Production bases.

Health and Productivity Management

As part of our management principles, we have stated that we will conduct corporate activities without sacrificing the global environment and people's health, and we are actively working to create a workplace where each and every employee, including those at our overseas locations, can work in good health and with peace of mind, while respecting their fundamental rights as employees. We believe that keeping the mind and body of employees healthy and working vigorously is the basis of social life and leads to the enhancement of corporate vitality.

Mabuchi Motor's Health and Productivity Management Declaration

Mabuchi Motor Co., Ltd. has stated in its Management Markers "Through our corporate activities we protect our planet's ecosystem and the health of its inhabitants." In practice, this means being ever watchful to avoid activities that cause pollution and associated health hazards. It also means managing effectively to ensure that our employees enjoy good health.
Promoting health and wellbeing is an important part of supporting each and every one of our employees in reaching their full potential personally and professionally. For this reason, we provide a safe, comfortable, and health-oriented workplace.

Representative Director and President

Structure for promoting Health and Productivity Management

The Safety and Health Committee at the headquarters also has a role in promoting Health and Productivity Management, which it promotes in conjunction with safety.

Health and Productivity Management

  unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Percentage of regular health
checkups received
% 96.9 97.6 100 100 100 -
Percent of persons of appropriate
weight (BMI 18.5 to <25)
% 67 66.3 63.9 63.7 64.7 -
Percentage of exercise habitués
(30 minutes or more per visit,
twice or more per week)
% 24.9 25.7 26.7 25.7 27.7 -
Prevalence of findings
in health examinations
% 32.2 33.5 31.2 29.1 27.5 -
Percentage of patients receiving
a full medical examination
% - 69.8 83.3 90.9 94.3 -
Stress Check Inspection Rates % 97.0 92.5 98.9 99.4 99.7 -
High-stress employees rates % 3.2 2.7 1.9 2.6 2.7 -
Smoking rate % 15.7 13.7 13.8 14.3 13.4 -
Percentage of annual paid
leave taken
% 77.5 73.1 77.0 85.9 80.1 -
Average number of days of
annual paid leave taken
day 15.5 14.6 15.4 17.2 16.0 -
Average monthly overtime hours hour 18.5 12.5 10.3 17.6 18.9 -
Percentage of employees
taking spousal leave for childbirth
% 100 88.5 91.7 80.0 86.7 -
Satisfaction with Health and
Productivity Management
point - - - - 68 69
Presenteeism*1 point - - - - 17.3 17.4
Absenteeism*2 day - - 2 1.9 2.2 -
  • Measured using Single-Item Presenteeism Question. Evaluated their own works for the past four weeks, using 100% as the work performance they could demonstrate in the absence of illness or injury. Scores indicate the degree of loss due to less-than-perfect health. (Lower scores indicate more employees are in good health)
  • Absences due to injury or illness from 4/1 to 3/31 of the following year (4 or more days), total number of days of absence/number of employees regularly employed at the end of the fiscal year.

Initiatives to Promote Mental and Physical Health

Mental health survey, assignment of in-house counselor, holding various health lectures

We have been conducting mental health surveys at the Headquarters for more than 20 years, as well as providing in-house counselors and holding "mental health workshops".
Various workshops are also held to promote health and wellness.

Breast cancer screening lecture
Tobacco and alcohol lectur

Health Promotion Day

To prevent and improve employees' lifestyle-related diseases, we have set "Health Promotion Day" four times a month and are implementing the following activities.

  • Take sufficient rest both physically and mentally (on health promotion day, encourage leaving by 17:00)
  • Improve your eating habits with well-balanced menus
  • Health promotion starting from walking (only one elevator at the head office is in operation to promote the use of stairs)
  • Promotion of habits on non-smoking days and prohibition days.     etc.
Healthy plate full of vegetables at employee cafeteria
Leaving work all at once Day

Various Events for Employees and Families

We hold a variety of events and to foster a sense of unity among all employees. For example, we hold garden parties and bowling competitions at headquarters, sports events and cultural exchange activities at overseas bases.

Garden party for the enjoyment of families of employees (Headquarters)
Bowling tournament participated in by departments (Headquarters)
Badminton competition
(Dongguan Mabuchi)