Mabuchi Motor advocates “Through our corporate activities we protect our planet’s ecosystem and the health of its inhabitants” in its Management Markers and “Be fair and just to others, and support and cooperate with fellow employees” in its Corporate Missions. On this basis, we respect the basic rights of our employees, including employees at our overseas facilities, and are actively working to create a workplace where every employee can play an active part in a healthy and safe manner.
Mabuchi Motor Human Rights Policy
We have established the “Mabuchi Motor Human Rights Policy” as a guideline to further promote Group-wide efforts to respect human rights and fulfill our responsibilities.
In accordance with the Mabuchi Motor Human Rights Policy, we respect the fundamental human rights, diverse values, individuality, and privacy of all people affected by our business activities, and do not tolerate discriminatory language or behavior, acts of violence, power harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, or other acts that disregard the individuality of any person with regard to race, religion, gender, nationality, physical disability, age, or other factors. We do not tolerate forced labor or child labor, including slavery and human trafficking.
Important human rights issues
Mabuchi Motor considers the following human rights issues to be of particular importance and is working to address them.
- Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
- Prohibition of discrimination and inhumane treatment
- Ensuring proper working conditions
- Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Human Rights Due Diligence
Mabuchi Motor shall establish and continuously implement a human rights due diligence mechanism to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."
- Evaluation of Human Rights Risks (Assessment)
To clarify the human rights risks in Mabuchi Motor's supply chain, we conducted a human rights risk assessment of our company and our suppliers with reference to international norms on human rights.
- Implementation Period : November 2023 - January 2024
- Scope : Mabuchi group and suppliers
- Description of implementation: Estimate the likelihood of occurrence of various human rights issues based on self-assessment of the status of understanding of laws and establishment of systems related to various human rights issues and identify priority items for risk mitigation efforts in light of the severity of each human rights issue.
- Risk Mitigation (Including assessment results)
- Monitoring
- Disclosing Information on Human Rights
The results of the assessment identified the need to prioritize risk mitigation efforts with respect to the "right to access remedies" at suppliers. A reporting and consultation system plays a major role in the early detection of human rights risks and appropriate responses. We will continue to monitor the situation of our business partners in more detail, and in cases where the risk is deemed to be particularly high, we will take action, such as requesting early improvement.
We will continue to conduct assessment to human rights issues arise from our business activities.
We will continue to report our human rights initiative on our corporate website and in our Integrated Report.
Correction and Remediation
Mabuchi Motor will address through appropriate procedures when it becomes clear that our business activities have a negative impact on human rights. In addition, we have established a "Code of Ethics Hotline" for reporting and consultation on compliance issues, including human rights. The Code of Ethics Hotline is anonymous and confidential, and covers not only our employees but also some of our business partners.
Signed the "United Nations Global Compact"

In January 2021, we has endorsed and signed the United Nations Global Compact proposed by the United Nations.
The United Nations Global Compact calls on companies and organizations to act in a sound and responsible manner in order to achieve sustainable growth, based on the commitment of top corporate executives themselves to endorse ten principles related to the protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor practices, environmental responsibility, and anti-corruption.
We have established our Sustainability Policy in order to put into practice our Management Principle of "Contributing to International Society and Continuously Increasing Our Contribution." We view the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as goals that will enable us to grow economically while respecting people, and we will strive for further growth together with our customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders to achieve them.
human rights | Principle 1 : Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. Principle 2 : Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. |
Labor | Principle 3 : Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Principle 4 : Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. Principle 5 : Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labour. Principle 6 : Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. |
environment | Principle 7 : Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. Principle 8 : Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. Principle 9 : Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies |
Anti-corruption | Principle 10 : Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies |