Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy
Mabuchi commits to disclose information to shareholders and investors in fair and timely manner, in order to ensure a proper assessment and to increase trust in its corporate value. Mabuchi provides useful information with devising or improving the methods of disclosure so as to promote understanding of our diverse business activities.
Disclosure Standards
Mabuchi discloses information based on relevant laws and regulations, such as the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law including the "Fair Disclosure Rules," and on the rules of Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, when Mabuchi regards disclosure of information not prescribed under the laws and rules, as necessary and useful to shareholders and investors, Mabuchi discloses such information on a timely, accurate, just and fair way.

Information Disclosure Methods
Mabuchi discloses information, defined as the timely disclosing matters based on the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) of Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information disclosed through TDnet is also disclosed through our website. Any information posted on the website may be delayed in some cases due to telecommunications or other difficulties. Therefore, the company's website is supplementary means. In addition, when Mabuchi regards disclosure of other information is necessary and useful to shareholders and investors, Mabuchi discloses such information in a timely, accurate and fair manner.
Business Prospects and Forward-Looking Statements
Information publicly disclosed contains certain statements on future prospects such as the future plans, strategies and performance. These statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Please note that actual performance may vary significantly from the future prospects due to various factors.
Quiet Period
In order to ensure fairness and prevent leaks of financial results, Mabuchi sets a "quiet period" from the beginning of the next quarter to the announcement of the financial results, during which Mabuchi cannot make comments or respond to inquiries on financial results. However, in case the previously announced projected performance seems to vary significantly during this period, Mabuchi discloses information in conformity with the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.