Management Plan 2030
Based on our Management Principle of "Contributing to International Society and Continuously Increasing Our Contribution." we are promoting business activities that contribute to the convenience, comfort, and safety of people's lives in a wide range of fields under our Long-Term Management Policy.
We are working on a management plan covering the period from 2024 to 2030 to promote dynamic activities for new growth and to accelerate growth through business expansion in the 3 M fields and evolution of our business portfolio.
Management Plan 2030
Mabuchi Motor Value Point (MVP)
Under the Management Plan 2030, we aim to improve the Mabuchi Motor Value Point (MVP), which we consider as our corporate value, by enhancing both financial indicators and unfinanced indicators that contribute to future finances.
The MVP is set at 100 points earned for achieving the 2030 guidance, with the percentage of achievement for each year expressed in points.
While monitoring the rate of achievement of these indicators, we will strive to increase corporate value through improvements to achieve both financial and unfinanced indicators.

Business concept "e-MOTO"
Under the Business Plan 2030, we will develop our business activities under the business concept "e-MOTO."
"e-MOTO" is a business concept that aims to provide solutions for the diverse movements desired by our customers and society in our business activities.
For many years, we have been developing technologies and providing products with motors at the core, but as we aim for future growth, we realized that we need to provide not only the rotation produced by motors, but also the input of power and the output of various "movements".
In "e-MOTO," we will enhance the types of motors that form the core of "movement. Furthermore, we expand the added value by providing various "movements" that are not limited to rotation as a solution that includes control and unit support.
In expanding our business areas, we will actively utilize M&A and alliances to enhance our organizational capabilities to provide the "movement" that our customers seek. In particular, we will contribute to solving issues faced by society and our customers in the 3 M fields, which are high value-added applications.

Initiatives to Achieve Management Plan 2030
- For Life & Industrial Products
In the 3 M fields, we will promote business expansion by providing various movement solutions based on the e-MOTO concept.

- For Automotive Products
We will work to increase our market share and sales of motors for power window lifters and power seats by expanding the adoption of new products, and to expand sales of motors and units for valves.